Cheney High School Receives Hometown Grant
YOUNGSTOWN, OH – Chaney High School of Youngstown City Schools – one of 17 Ohio school districts
partnering with the “Stay in the Game! Keep Learning, Every Day” Network – has received this year’s $10,000
Fuel Up to Play 60 Hometown Grant from the American Dairy Association Mideast and Cleveland Browns, on
behalf of Ohio’s dairy farmers.
Chaney High School will use the funds to purchase equipment to add smoothies and milk-based coffee
beverages to their school menu, as well as refresh the cafeteria. The changes are expected to boost school
breakfast participation. Research shows that proper nutrition can enhance academic performance and improve
school attendance. By helping to increase access to healthy food, the district foresees improvements in school
attendance and academics. The $10,000 grant will be awarded to Tascin Brooks, the Food Service Director of
Youngstown City Schools, during a Breakfast-For-Lunch event on October 11, featuring appearances from a
Cleveland Browns player and Chomps, their official mascot.
Hometown grant recipients are chosen by NFL teams and local dairy organizations who work together to
identify deserving schools in their communities. The grant provides funding to help facilitate sustainable
physical activity and healthy eating programs for students through Fuel Up to Play 60.
The Fuel Up to Play 60 program was created in partnership with America’s dairy farmers and the NFL, in
cooperation with USDA, to empower students to eat healthy and be active. It is the largest in-school health and
wellness program in the country and is present in over 73,000 schools nationwide.
“The American Dairy Association Mideast and Cleveland Browns chose Chaney High School as their
Hometown Grant recipient because of their dedicated school food service staff who work tirelessly every day
with limited equipment and resources to provide nutritious food to their students,” says Jan Diamond, school
marketing manager for the American Dairy Association Mideast.
“Investing in the health and wellbeing of our future generations is crucial, and that begins with our students,”
says June Wedd, vice president of school marketing for the American Dairy Association Mideast. “All of our
Fuel Up to Play 60 schools are making great strides in the movement for a healthier community.”
“The Stay in the Game! Network and our partner districts are fully dedicated to eliminating barriers that
contribute to chronic absenteeism and providing resources that promote classroom engagement, and a
student’s access to meals impacts both of those core focuses,” said Vice President of the Cleveland Browns
Foundation Renee Harvey. “We commend Chaney High School and Youngstown City Schools for their
ongoing commitment to their students through our collective efforts, including this grant that will further address
areas related to attendance and students’ future success.”
The Cleveland Browns Foundation’s Stay in the Game! Network is a statewide initiative designed to promote
the importance of school attendance and put an end to chronic absenteeism. The team engages school
districts across the state and promotes quality education by using attendance data and feedback from families
to build a school-going culture, uncover and reduce common barriers to attendance and support engagement
opportunities for students to thrive.